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Binford Insect Control Inc.


From quick rodent control to lasting termite control, we do it all in Bryan & College Station, TX!

Binford Insect Control Inc.


From quick rodent control to lasting termite control, we do it all in Bryan & College Station, TX!



From quick rodent control to lasting termite control, we do it all in Bryan & College Station, TX!


Cooler Weather = RODENTS

Admin • Oct 22, 2012

Now that we are entering into the fall season and cooler weather is approaching, it is now time to protect your home from rodents and other insects and animals that will want to enter your home for shelter. We have removed all kinds of creatures from homes in the past. Mainly rats, squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and yes, snakes. Here are some tips for preventing them from coming into the home.

  • Clean around the outside of your home. Remove any debris, trash, tall grass, and firewood away from the perimeter of the house.
  • Make sure the flower beds and shrubs are trimmed and at least 1 foot from the exterior of the house.
  • Seal any noticeable holes that you can see. Rodents can squeeze through the tiniest of holes, even the size of a nickel or dime.
  • Caulk around the window, doors and other crevices of your home to keep away insects and rodents. This will also help with keeping your home to be more energy efficient. So you are doing two things at once!

Doing these simple steps can help keeps your costs down in many ways and keep your home safer for the winter.

Here is a link to a great article with more information:,-other-small-pests-indoors/

By Admin 01 Apr, 2013
April is National Pest management month! This has been going on for over 30 years! This month is just a way to bring awareness to the public on pest control and ways to prevent pests from coming into your home. There are several great articles on Pest Management month at . Pestworld also has great tips and prevention ideas to keep them away from your home. Many people don't realize how important pest control is. Keeping pests and insects out of the home can keep our families healthier. Pests and insects can carry disease and stir up allergies, causing lots of health problems. Our main priority is to keep you home safe from infestation. Call us for more information 979-822-5524 .
By Admin 04 Mar, 2013
Well, it's that time again! Time to think about your yard and trees and how you are going to make them healthy this year. We at Binford can help! Binford has a unique lawn fertilization program that can green up your lawn and keep it weed free. All it takes is a simple call to get started. We are now offering a tree fertilization service as well. Since the drought we have had in the past, our trees are pretty stressed. We can help by giving them the nutrients they need. There is no drilling involved in the trunk so it doesn't damage any part of the tree. Perfectly safe for the tree and the environment. Call us for details!!! Check out to see how the tree service works.
By Admin 28 Feb, 2013
Wow, I can't believe February is over and March is coming! This winter has flown by. Now is the time to get out into the yard. While you are cleaning up around the house and getting the yard ready for spring, it is a good time to check for termites or any other pest infestations. Here are some tips to help prevent unwanted visitors: Seal cracks and crevices around the house. Remove any wood to ground contact to prevent termites from entering the home. Trim tree limbs so they aren't touching the side of the house (when the limbs touch the house, that is an invitation to the insects to come in.) Keep the grass short and maintained around the slab of the home (this way you are able to see any signs of insect infestation) Keep the grade of the soil low enough around the home, so that you can see slab all the way around the home.
By Admin 28 Feb, 2013
Now is the perfect time to start thinking about the health of your trees! They are starting to bloom and we want to make sure they have all the nutrients they need to thrive. We are now offering a tree fertilization and treatment service. The system that we are using is called the ArborSystem. It is a direct inject system, which means there is no drilling or spraying involved. This is healthier for the tree and the environment. Check out our website for more information at .
By Admin 20 Nov, 2012
This time of year, we are all getting excited about the cold weather and are ready to start a fire in the fireplace. Warning: insects live in the wood outside. Remember to inspect the wood before you bring it into your home to make sure there are no ants, scorpions, termites, wood bores or any other insect in them. Also, we recommend stacking the firewood away from your home and not next to the foundation. This is conducive to termites. If you want to bring in a few pieces of wood for the fire, make sure to bring them in when you are ready to use them. As always, if you have any questions, or need any further information, call our office at 979-822-5524 .
By Admin 24 Oct, 2012
Binford does Rodent Exclusions! If you are having any problems with rodents or are needing more information, call Binford today!! There are many health hazards that rodents can bring to your home, including but not limited to rabies, allergies, fleas, mites, ticks, lice and hantavirus. Bats, raccoons and skunks carry rabies, which is potentially fatal if left untreated. In fact, as many as 40,000 people each year in the United States are exposed to animals that might have rabies. Even the smallest amount of mouse/rat urine can cause allergies in children. Mice can also bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home. Did you know that roof rats secured their place in history by spreading the highly dangerous bubonic plague? They support many ectoparasites and urinate on food. Another major danger that rodents can cause is fire. Rats can and have been known to chew through wiring. I know, having these rodents in your home sounds appealing, right? Wrong! Binford specializes in eliminating these rodents from your home or business and creating a safer environment for your family. We have been providing this service to the Bryan/College Station area for over 65 years! Who better to call than us!
By Admin 09 Oct, 2012
Click here
By Admin 27 Aug, 2012
As everyone has noticed, the mosquitoes are coming out with a vengeance! Ouch! There are many things that we can do to protect ourselves from their wrath and from West Nile Virus. Drain outstanding water in your yard. Avoid going outside during Dusk and Dawn. Wear long sleeve clothing if you do have to be outdoors. Use repellent that contains DEET. This year, there have been more cases of West Nile than ever before. Use caution and protect yourself and your loved ones. Please visit for more information.
By Admin 23 May, 2012
Fleas seem to be the pest of the week this week. We have received several calls regarding fleas in the area and in homes. There are some things that you can do to prevent the flea infestation. Keeping your home clean and not accumulating clutter will help deter the pest infestation. It also makes it very easy to spot any pest and to treat them if needed. If you have pets, they need to be on a monthly flea control treatment given by a veterinarian. There are several products on the market that work very well. Keep your grass mowed frequently and cut short. Keep the yard well maintained to prevent breeding grounds for fleas and ticks. If at all possible, if you have neighbors with animals, work out some kind of agreement to where all neighbors have their animals on a flea prevention program. This not only helps you, but it helps them. Bath and groom your pet regularly. Inspect them for any fleas, ticks or any sores that they may have or skin irritations. Remember, it will save you lots of money in the long run to have your pets on a prevention plan. It can get expensive if you have an infestation and then have to treat the animal (vet bill) and have your home treated by a pest professional. If you are having problems, don't hesitate to give us a call.  979-822-5524 .
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